Vaste lage prijs, geen courtage

Service beloond met een 9,2 ★★★★★

Enorm bereik onder woningzoekers

+ 5347 woningen verkocht

Want to know what your house is worth?

Request a FREE valuation in just 2 steps!

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What is a valuation?

In case of a free valuation, a real estate agent will come to your home to determine the estimated value of your home. So it is an estimate and not an rating that you need for a mortgage. However, it does give you insight into the housing market and the current value of your home. Are you about to sell your home? Then get off to a flying start and immediately request a free valuation. Completely without obligation!


Selling your house with Easie

Have you ever wondered why you have to pay more commission for a house of € 400.000,- than for a house of € 300.000,-? Does a real estate agent need more time for a house of € 400.000,- or is the brokerage model just too traditional? Why does the real estate agent determine the service for the sale of your home? Welcome at Easie!

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Customer satisfaction of 9.2
Thousands of satisfied customers have rated us with an average of 9.2!
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Request a FREE valuation!

Also during the corona virus we perform a free valuation. Standard this is done on location.
But if you prefer a digital valuation? Then of course that is also possible!

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Meet Team Easie

Ton Loverbosch

K-RMT makelaar

Rudy Welbergen

RMT makelaar

Helga Verschuuren

RMT makelaar
view our complete team

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Do you have a question? Feel free to ask it

Saskia, Daan, Dian or Vera. Team Hospitality is ready for you.

We look forward to hear from you!